Pilots filmed Stunning Aurora on a Night Flight between SFO to Lisbon

Stunning footage of the aurora borealis was captured by TAP pilots during a flight between San Francisco and Lisbon. The rare sighting in Portugal was attributed to a strong solar storm, making the northern lights visible in countries where they are rarely seen. The captivating photos were also shared on social media, delighting thousands with this surreal sight.


Rarely visible in Portugal, TAP pilots captured stunning footage of the aurora borealis from the skies, delighting thousands on social media during a flight between San Francisco (USA) and Lisbon. The exceptional sighting was attributed to a strong solar storm, as reported by Space.com, which made the northern lights visible in countries where they are rarely seen, such as Greece and Turkey. The photos were also shared by Márcio Santos from the meteorology page Meteo Trás os Montes – Portugal and later by Dr. Tamitha Skov, a space weather physicist, who expressed her amazement at the sighting. She highlighted the exceptional performance of the solar storm that brought the aurora deep into mid-latitudes.

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